Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Layouts, Locomotives, and Rolling Stock Update

In the past week or so I have been busy at work and with a few things around the house, but I have been working on my layouts a little here and there.

On my coal mine layout I removed my lumber yard. Why? I was having a really hard time finding lumber rolling stock and trying to get it to mesh with my layout. I have also carved out the hill from which my mine will come from. I plan to use Z scale track for the mines cart system.

The pizza layout has made very little progress. I have painted the pond/stream bed black and have added a bit of dark brown paint here and there to make the edges more defined. I did win an auction for a Chessie System f9 with caboose that I will run on this layout instead of the Union Pacific f9.

Another thing that has happened is I got a few lots of rolling stock for my layouts. They're mostly box cars, along with a centerflow hopper and a modern UPS freight car. I will run 5-6 boxcars on the pizza, and the others will be held on to for my larger layout with a yard and industries.

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